For Sellers

Whether you are looking to sell your home or an investment property, at Alumuna Property we consider it a big deal as it often means that you are entering a new life chapter. Whether you are upgrading, downsizing, freeing up capital, eliminating the mortgage repayments or selling a family asset it is often a significant life decision and we treat our sales listings as just that.

Our purpose is to make selling your property as enjoyable, smooth and stress free as we can on top of achieving the best financial results. We do this by being human focused, communication driven, by setting expectations and being approachable and calm throughout the sale. We view the sales process as a project with milestones to be achieved along the way and often roadblocks that need to be overcome. We also ensure that our processes, procedures and communication is fine turned and not contributing to any roadblocks along the way to settlement which is the ultimate goal.

The Selling Process

Below we have included a simplified map of the sales process. If you are interesting in knowing how we view this process and our approach to it please do contact us for a confidential discussion.

Sales Appraisal – Form 6 signed – Photography arranged – Advertisement written – Pricing strategy confirmed - Seller to approve advert – Coming soon campaign if applicable – Listing live on all websites – Open homes and inspections - Agent to gauge market feedback – Price adjustment if required – Offers received - Negotiation if required – Successful offer accepted - Draft contracts drawn up, amended and approved by solicitors/conveyancers – Contracts signed by buyer, contract signed by seller - Conditions of contract satisfied (B&P, finance clauses) – Conditions satisfied and contract unconditional – Settlement occurs

The Form 6 - Selling

The Form 6 is the legal document that is signed when you engage your selling agent. It is quite a wordy document and in Queensland is used for both sales and property management so it can be somewhat confusing. As one of our values is to simplify, we have put together a step by summary of the Form 6 document which shows which parts you will need to complete for the sale pf a property and simplifies the legal jargon. To receive a copy of this step by step guide, please do get in contact with us.

Do you know what you should look for in a selling agent?

Marketing: Your agent needs to be able to co-ordinate really good photography, write an accurate advertisement and present the property online in its best light as this is the bridge between you and potential buyers coming along to an open home or requesting a private inspection. These inspections are where offers and market feedback come from, so being able to bring together a really good marketing campaign is imperative to the sale.

Negotiation Skills: Your agents number one job should be to get the highest price for your property and the negotiation stage is pivotal for this. If you do not have an agent that is comfortable negotiating they will not be able to get you the highest price. It is also important how the agent conducts themselves during the negotiation as plenty of agents end up stone walling buyers and that results in you as the seller loosing offers and/or accepting a lower offer than could have otherwise been achieved.

Communication: Consistent and honest communication is very important to whether you have a good or bad selling experience as well as the experience your buyer gets when buying their new home or investment.

Expectation Setting: At the beginning and throughout the sales process, your agent should be communicating to both you and your buyer about the next upcoming milestone and any potential roadblocks. Doing this assists in keeping the selling experience low stress because all parties are aware what is due to happen, in what time frame and any threats to reaching that milestone.

Process Management: Sales agents can get extremely busy and their day can change with one or two phone calls. This is why it is important that your agent has good business processes and administrative systems to ensure that nothing is missed and that no unnecessary roadblocks are contributed by them to you getting to settlement.


If any of the above content has resonated with you, please do get in touch for a further discussion on how we would be able to work with you to sell your property.