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For Investors

Ongoing Management Services Offered

We offer the following services to our clients as part of the ongoing management of the property.

  • Advertising and property inspections to prospective tenants;
  • New tenant screening and selection;
  • Entry inspections;
  • Routine Inspections;
  • All aspects of financials and trust accounting;
  • Payment of invoices, rates, water bills, insurances, body corporate rates etc;
  • Rent collection and arrears management when required;
  • Serving of Notice to Remedy Breaches and Notice’s to Leave with follow through;
  • Repairs and maintenance;
  • Exit inspections;
  • Tenant advice and general correspondence; and
  • Owner advice and general correspondence.

Our Difference

Thank you for taking an interest in Alumuna Property. We would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the differences that Alumuna can offer you as your managing agent.

1. Deal with the business owner not a BDM or ever-changing staff members

In Beth's experience, the owner of the business is very rarely hands on in the property management side of the agency.

Beth witnessed, that with staff turnover (the average time a property manager stays in a job is 9 months) comes changes in procedures, checklists and ways of doing things which can cause continued disruption to the department itself.  This can lead to unhappy staff and turnover which creates gaps in the team.

As the owner of Alumuna, Beth is experienced in and hands on with Property Management. All procedures, checklists, marketing material and risk management procedures have been tailored and implemented by her with the holistic direction of the business and clients in mind.

When you sign up with Alumuna Property, you will deal with Beth directly and not a Business Development Manager (BDM) as with a lot of other agencies. A BDM’s job is purely to sign up new rental properties and receive commission for doing so. In Beth's experience, many BDM's are not experienced in property management, often promise the world, then fail to communicate effectively with the actual Property Manager who will manage the property ongoing. The handover is often messy and incomplete and in some instances, important information is not gathered by the BDM and important conversations not been had in the early stages of sign up.

Dealing with the hands on business owner from the start means that you are dealing with an experienced professional with a long term vested interest in you and your property.

2. Education

Property is a well-known way to build wealth and Beth has dealt with investors who have bought the wrong type of investment property and had a not so great experience investing. This can be enough to put people off the opportunity of property investing all together.

One of Beth's motivations as the founder of Alumuna Property is to help educate people along the way as they invest in property. Alumuna does not want to just manage the property, but also be able to pass relevant knowledge on to its clients.

Beth is a big believer in ongoing education which can help lower risk. Beth has always completed study alongside her work and is currently studying a Bachelor of Property Economics / Bachelor of Laws at university. As well as experience gained over time, Beth reads books, listen to podcasts, has renovated her own properties, dealt with multiple lenders to get the required finance outcomes, and pays close attention to government initiatives, legislation changes and infrastructure spending so she can share this knowledge with her clients.

3. Forward Thinking Advice

As a Property Manager and holistic thinker, Beth likes to get to know her clients and understand their investment goals to ensure that this is considered when giving advice or feedback on the property and so it can be taken into consideration during all tenancy situations.

4. Advice based on Risk and ROI

Investors invest because they want a return on their investment (ROI) and the lower the risk the better. Any advice given to our clients will be in conjunction with the owners investment goals and based on maximising the return on investment while attempting to minimise the cost and any risk of damage being done to the property. One of the biggest risks that an owner is exposure to is legal liability, and we aim to minimise that risk as we manage the property and as we interact with the tenant.

5. Human Focused 

At Alumuna Property, as well as pursuing top financial results for our clients, we also view and interact with all our clients as human being. Technology has significantly changed property management and while we utilise technology we still ensue that we interact as human beings through our communication styles and channels.

What happens next?

If you are interested in finding out more about Alumuna Property please get in touch with Beth via phone, email or text. You will be provided with our full Property Management Proposal and advice tailored to your specific situation.

To engage us as your Property Manager the first step is to sign a Form 6 which can be done electronically via docusign or in person by appointment for owners local to Brisbane. This document gives Alumuna authority to act on your behalf and either list the property for rent or notify your existing agent that we have been appointed as the new managing agent.

I don't yet have a tenant: If you don't have a tenant and are at the listing stage, the next step after the Form 6 is signed are for us to list and advertise the property for rent. Further information about this process can be found in our Property Management Proposal.

I already have a tenant: If you already have a tenant and an existing managing agent, once the Form 6 is signed we will contact your existing agent. There is a 30 day notice period required to end your agreement with them and our notification will trigger that 30 day period. About two weeks out we will contact the tenant to advise them of the change and what they can expect when renting through Alumuna Property. Then on the takeover date we will obtain all of the relevant records, upload them to our system and commence management of the property.